Affiliate Nerd Out

Combining AI And Affiliate Recruitment Software With Victor Giurgiu

November 01, 2023 Dustin Howes Season 1 Episode 36
Combining AI And Affiliate Recruitment Software With Victor Giurgiu
Affiliate Nerd Out
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Affiliate Nerd Out
Combining AI And Affiliate Recruitment Software With Victor Giurgiu
Nov 01, 2023 Season 1 Episode 36
Dustin Howes

Ready to expand your horizons with the youngest visionary in affiliate marketing? We’ve invited Vic Giurgiu, the mastermind behind Affistash, to shed light on the evolution and future of the affiliate industry. Vic, a high school student already making waves in the SaaS world, unravels his journey from running a software development agency to launching Affistash, a platform designed to revolutionize affiliate management. Listen in as he spills the beans on the origins of Affistash, the process of validating a business idea, and the power of networking and word-of-mouth in business success.

Our chat with Vic takes an interesting turn as we navigate the realm of AI in affiliate marketing. As a passionate advocate for modern technology, Vic shares his insights on how AI and automation are reshaping the future of affiliate management, giving us a sneak peek into Affistash' AI capabilities. The discussion doesn't stop at AI - we dig deeper into the significance of choosing a niche you're truly passionate about, the art of product validation, and the benefits of mentorship in the entrepreneurial journey. Plus, Vic gives us a glimpse into balancing academics with running a thriving business. So, tune in and embark on a fascinating journey into the mind of a young entrepreneur transforming the affiliate marketing landscape.

The Markable platform is fully synced with Amazon, Target, & Walmart creator storefronts. Creators don't need to copy and paste affiliate links since every item & collection from their storefronts are on auto-sync and ready for content creation. Go to to learn more

For more tips on how to scale your affiliate program, check out

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ready to expand your horizons with the youngest visionary in affiliate marketing? We’ve invited Vic Giurgiu, the mastermind behind Affistash, to shed light on the evolution and future of the affiliate industry. Vic, a high school student already making waves in the SaaS world, unravels his journey from running a software development agency to launching Affistash, a platform designed to revolutionize affiliate management. Listen in as he spills the beans on the origins of Affistash, the process of validating a business idea, and the power of networking and word-of-mouth in business success.

Our chat with Vic takes an interesting turn as we navigate the realm of AI in affiliate marketing. As a passionate advocate for modern technology, Vic shares his insights on how AI and automation are reshaping the future of affiliate management, giving us a sneak peek into Affistash' AI capabilities. The discussion doesn't stop at AI - we dig deeper into the significance of choosing a niche you're truly passionate about, the art of product validation, and the benefits of mentorship in the entrepreneurial journey. Plus, Vic gives us a glimpse into balancing academics with running a thriving business. So, tune in and embark on a fascinating journey into the mind of a young entrepreneur transforming the affiliate marketing landscape.

The Markable platform is fully synced with Amazon, Target, & Walmart creator storefronts. Creators don't need to copy and paste affiliate links since every item & collection from their storefronts are on auto-sync and ready for content creation. Go to to learn more

For more tips on how to scale your affiliate program, check out

Dustin Howes:

Hey folks, welcome to Affiliate Nerd out. I am your Nerdirator, dustin Howe. Spread that good word about affiliate marketing. You're going to find me live on LinkedIn every Tuesday and Thursday at 12.15 Pacific Time, so please mark it on your calendar, be here and smash that subscribe button on YouTube. My nerd guest of the day is Vic George.

Victor Giurgiu:

George Joe, yeah, you got it.

Dustin Howes:

All right, founder of Afstache. Thanks for joining me, vic. Welcome to the Nerditorium.

Victor Giurgiu:

Really appreciate an invite and pleasure. Pleasure to be here.

Dustin Howes:

Well, you know what? I didn't invite you, but you were so persistent to get on the show that I felt like this guy really knows what he's doing. I like his attitude and I like his grit to keep pounding down my door. Absolutely, I'm going to have you. Love your attitude and what you're doing, man.

Victor Giurgiu:

Really appreciate it. And yeah, that's totally on point. I've watched the show for actually for the past few months and I thought that, okay, I'm in the industry as well, I'm building something here, so I would love to be part of the show and kind of bring my little bit of knowledge about AI in affiliate marketing to the table as well.

Dustin Howes:

Well, I've had a short conversation with you. We did a demo that I put in. I'm going to put a live link into the demo and a link to your site in the chat, but I was really impressed by what you've built out so far. We're going to have a live Q&A going on, so anybody that has any questions about affiliate recruitment or ASTASH in general just drop it in that chat. Our question of the day for those of you that are watching what partner recruitments are you using right now? Drop it in the chat. Let us know. Victor's always out here doing market research so he wants to hear from you guys. But without further ado here, vic, who are you?

Victor Giurgiu:

Awesome to start it off. So yeah, regarding who I am, I think most of the people here would still consider me a kid. I'm still in high school. I'm trying to build the future for partnership recruitment and this is what I'm currently doing with ASTASH young entrepreneur to be exact, and I met my second business venture with ASTASH. I ran a software development agency in the past, where we developed desktop software and game software for specific companies. We worked even with enterprise-sized companies on specific projects and in the beginning of this year, I decided that I want to build my own and, with the knowledge that I got during that period, I started working on ASTASH. In one sentence, I'm founder and CEO of ASTASH right now.

Dustin Howes:

All right, and I assume you're a father and a grandfather with all of your life experience here as well.

Victor Giurgiu:

Not quite there yet Not quite.

Dustin Howes:

Okay. Well, maybe in the future, if you want to get ahold of Victor. I put a link to his site in the profile. Also, I put the full demo of ASTASH. Just really impressed with this tool. If you want to be in Vic's seat, go to dustinhowescom. Slash, nerd, drop in an application, tell me what you want to nerd out about and we can get it on the books. So all right, Vic, tell us this origin story. How did ASTASH come along and how did you get this name here?

Victor Giurgiu:

Good question. So well, astash obviously comes from Affiliate, which is the niche that we are in, and the ASTASH part is funny enough that my co-founder came up with it. It has multiple meanings. One of them is like a stash, like a store or like a locker. The other one is also a must-ash. So pretty funny name, I guess. But we're trying our best to establish the brand. I know for some people it's hard to pronounce. I definitely find it a bit harder to pronounce as well, especially in the beginning. Maybe it's not the most brandable name, but we're definitely trying our best with that.

Dustin Howes:

I mean it's good enough for what you're doing. I mean I get the point.

Victor Giurgiu:

I think AFI is the most important part of the name. Totally it gets that affiliate kind of prefix.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely, and you're meshing together a stash of affiliates that you tap into. I get it, I mean it's smart.

Victor Giurgiu:

I just love it.

Dustin Howes:

It spells you still must-ash a little bit different here in the stage. For sure, the CHE.

Victor Giurgiu:

Yeah, the pronunciation is similar, though because we're it came from initially.

Dustin Howes:

Fantastic. Well, that's a great origin story. Makes sense. What are you doing out there and who are you servicing with this product?

Victor Giurgiu:

Yeah, so F is that she's certainly meant for for affiliate managers, partner managers that have Big, that basically have recruiting new partners, recruiting new affiliates and publishers as one of their main tasks. So that's certainly our target audience. In terms of what industry we are targeting, currently About 70 80 percent of our customer base is made out of sass sass customers. That is also One of the reasons is also my background, because it was easier for me to reach people and founders In the sass industry, managers in the sass industry, because it's an industry that I have more experience with. And then the rest of the customers that we currently work with are either in industries like e-commerce or stuff like Info products as well. So all industries that have affiliates and partners as really important acquisition channels.

Dustin Howes:

That's a. That's an important aspect to utilize your network early on. Especially when you're on a MRR Model like you are getting, that customer base is going to be super important. And then branching out beyond that Just exactly what you're doing here and spread that word about what you're doing out there. You bring up something like majority of your clients are sass base, but sass means a little bit different thing in this industry than most people would assume. Some. Some don't know the difference between a sass that is like designed for a small, medium business, and then enterprise sass. And then you have to be the b-sass.

Dustin Howes:

There's a lot of different ancients. What do you like to call, like the sass that you're working with?

Victor Giurgiu:

Yeah, so to give it in, to maybe put it in a in a more narrow Category. So we we are usually working with small and medium-sized sass companies. Most of them are B2C, because most of B2C sass Companies advertise a lot through publishers, content creators and so on. So certainly more in the B2C side and in terms of the size, currently we're mostly working with companies that have like between five and fifteen employees. During the summer We've also we're also trying to expand in the enterprise sector as well. So companies that have Well established affiliate recruitment departments and partnership departments as well, and we actually Started working with a few affiliate management teams from bigger companies, but certainly the majority is still made out of SMEs, b2c sass companies, to be to be specifically exact.

Dustin Howes:

Gotcha. Okay that that makes sense. Like that's one of those markets I am servicing as well, like, really fascinated by the Uprising of the sass, especially in that B2C space where it's a small market, small price toys but it's recurring, recurring and you get a super sticky product, like what you're working with right now. But I want to, I want to tap into the fact that you're 17 years old, you just got done with your high school day today and then you come home and you get to work. What is? I don't know what I'm doing with my life In all reality, but like, how are you this motivated at this age and so knowledgeable about this space? Where did you pick all this up?

Victor Giurgiu:

Yeah, so it's certainly not easy to first of all, but then I Just want to to basically try to bring as much value as I can with my Product development skills. So this is basically what keeps me motivated. And, yeah, totally, I have demos with customers after school. I sometimes have to reschedule them when I have exams and tests and so on, and that's funny, and I have to come up with different reasons for for rescheduling a meeting. I can't really tell the person that, oh, I have an exam tomorrow or something like that. I can't pick up the demo, because then they're like who am I hoping gonna call with a 17 year old kid, frank, to sell me a product? So I definitely have to be smart with that.

Victor Giurgiu:

But in terms of where I picked up most of my knowledge, it's certainly my my agency days, because there we relied a lot on partnerships, so partnering up with other agencies that can refer us Customers from their customer base and then we can give a commission in exchange. So basically, performance marketing as we, as we would call it. So I, that's how I started and how I got introduced into the affiliate marketing and partnerships world and Basically I thought that it's a super Untap niche in terms of what tools we have. Currently, there's a lot of manual processes involved, so I thought that it would be a good niche to to kind of attack with a SAS product or a tool like F is dash.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah, fantastic. Well, it just highlights the point that this industry is getting so much younger.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah by the day, like I started off when I was in my late 20s, getting my career started in affiliate and the reason I started is because my other dreams of Careers fell through and and affiliate marketing just kind of fell in my lap and then I fell in love with it. But like this is that's a pretty traditional story in our space and For you to be coming in at 14 years old and starting that working at an agency is pretty incredible and and just a we're gonna see that trend more, I think, as this industry continues to grow younger. And do you have your own communities with with kids, your age in the space?

Victor Giurgiu:

Yeah, so funny enough there. I see way more people nowadays starting like Not necessarily because I'm certainly targeting affiliate managers Mm-hmm, but I see lots of kids starting from the affiliate perspective. So they start YouTube channels or niche blogs and so on and they they certainly generate a lot of revenue If they, if they do the right work. For example, I know somebody that has a YouTube channel in a blog in the sports industry and he monetized this strictly through Referral links and affiliate links and he's certainly generating a good amount of money at his age and I just think that that the market will get more and more Like it would certainly get younger. Just for the fact that it just makes sense, like you can monetize your content really easily as an affiliate and you can get a lot of brand exposure. You can get lots of sales, lots of quality traffic as as a brand, as a company.

Dustin Howes:

Yes, so true, and and the folks that are making that content are gaining affiliate Experience, not on the management side but, of course, having that leg up of like learning affiliate. It's gonna be great for a career Later down the road. If you don't continue to go down that content router, you get tired of it or your life changes. That's something to fall back on when you graduate college and go out to the real world and get that job right. So Well, pretty incredible that that you found this niche Necessary and utilize your skills and software development and in Creating this tool with AI, can what? What did you do out there for market research to figure this out?

Victor Giurgiu:

so I Always like validating a product and an idea before starting to build it, and it's like a habit that I tell every Single entrepreneur that I, that I, need validate your idea and your concept before your you start building it, and it's definitely something that I picked up from our early agency days, when I was working with founders. They always validated their idea before we built it as the software development agency. So I started doing that with F stash a pretty Weird way that that I did it so, but I think it's certainly a healthy way and a good way to do it. So I reached out to people in in affiliate marketing communities, in affiliate marketing subreddits on LinkedIn. I search for affiliate managers and so on, and I just texted them like I'm an ex agent, software development agency founder, I'm trying to build something in your space.

Victor Giurgiu:

This is what I thought about and what I have right now. What's your feedback on it? What would you like to kind of have? What product would make your life easier? And so, after speaking with these people, I I basically ask them what's your whole process, from starting an affiliate program and Figuring out how, how you want to start it, to up to getting your first affiliates and partners in the program and Managing them and so on. So, basically, after having all of these answers from these people, I figured out that, okay, there's certainly something that can be done in the recruitment aspect and in the part lead discovery aspect, because it seems like everything is so manual in terms of, okay, you have to pay for SEO tools, you have to see who promotes your competitors, then you have to scout through all of the leads and results and see which ones are good fits, which ones aren't really a good fit.

Victor Giurgiu:

So I thought it's a lot of work and it can be like a few hours of work for discovering up to five to 10 prospects, which I thought like, okay, that can totally be automated with something like AI, where the AI can do the search which is for you. The AI can grab the leads and classify all of them with an accuracy percentage, just so it's easier for you to determine which ones are better partners, which ones maybe you don't want to collaborate with. You can do a lot of filtering. You can generate messages with AI way faster and reach those partners way faster. So this is basically how I decided what I want to put into AFIS-DASH in terms of the features and everything. It was a process that took about like two, three weeks jumping on calls with affiliate managers that afterwards, when I built the tool, some of them actually became customers and that was super cool to see.

Dustin Howes:

That's so smart man. You got a lot of Alex Ramosi in you. Like you've got those teachings and you've got to be like, paying attention to him and what he's doing out there.

Victor Giurgiu:

Yes, certainly. I'm watching lots of people from the industry and validating your idea before building it. It's certainly something that no one should skip in the process of opening a business, starting a company and so on.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah, absolutely great, great point. And yes, this industry needs more tools like what you're doing, and we're going to jump into a demo here. But before we do, I want to get into our sponsor of the day. And since we're talking about stashes and today is October 31st the last day of October it is mustache season out there, folks. November is around the corner. Tomorrow this whole thing is going away fully shaved and I am going to go out there and raise money for November.

Dustin Howes:

It is my favorite time of year to grow my mustache for men's health research, and November does it better than anybody out there. I've been a mo bro for 13 years. My dad passed away from cancer about six years ago and ever since I've been really pounded down the doors to try to help other men out there make sure to get to the doctor early, and so in November, every November, I'm always going to the doctor's office. I'm going and got a dermatology appointment set up. I will be talking with my mustache throughout the month, all about November and how much I love it. So if you would like to help me reach my goals for monetary research helping out November, go to dustinhowes. com, slash mo and donate to my campaign and I am going to be donating a percentage of my profits this month to November as well, at the end of the month. So please jump in and support this channel. All right, Vic, let's take a look at after stash.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah, let's jump into a demo.

Victor Giurgiu:

Awesome, I'll share my screen for you guys. Cool, you should be able to see the platform and so on.

Dustin Howes:

Fantastic, we're in, go for it. Awesome, that's perfect.

Victor Giurgiu:

So, yeah, just to start it off, you can basically find F is stash on dustin's link that he put in the chat, and everyone that's in the in the live and are watching the podcast can just go to the landing page and get a free demo just by by signing up here and you get an interactive demo right right here as well. But to basically show you what features we offer at F is stash, I'll do a quick demo for this SAS product that is currently using F is stash for finding affiliates and partners to promote their product called sofa brain. So this is how the dashboard looks like pretty straightforward. If you want to to see your stats, you have them up here. If you want to recommend someone from your team to use F is stash, they have an educational demos and section right here with everything explained with a pop up. If you scroll a bit down, you'll see your top five discovered leads that the algorithm discovered for your business and you can see your entire list by clicking this button, which will bring you to this page so quickly. Before, just so I walk you guys through everything, you see that here you have your editor company data page and this is all the details that F is stash needs to source you affiliate and partner leads. So it needs the name, niche, website, business model and a few more details about your business, as well as a product description of what your product does or what your business does, and then you just submit, the data saves and from here you can go into the discover partners using AI, which is our main feature in the tool, and here you can generate your leads. And what's super cool about this is that you can come here and select the exact types of partners that you're looking to recruit. So whether you're looking for content creators, blogs, media publishers, agencies, newsletters tons of types of partners you can discover all of them using F is stash. And if you want to go with something more generic sold mix of all of them, you can just select affiliate partners. You can also select the platform.

Victor Giurgiu:

So if I want to recruit publisher partners, I have more options here, so I can go with SEO, so it will get me the top ranked content about my niche and about the target audience that I put in the edit company data. So this is exactly what I have here for for sofa brain, which sofa brain targets. For example, let's say we're an affiliate manager. It's sofa brain targets interior designers and real estate agents, and this is what I put as input in. F is stash, and it generated me 112 leads, all automatically, so publisher leads.

Victor Giurgiu:

I didn't have to do anything in this regard, so let me let me show you a few of these, just so you can make an idea of how these look like. So I have top 10 AI tools for, for the interior tools to decorate your, your home. As you can see, they monetize through AdSense and through affiliate links here, and it's a list of tools that can help you with your interior design. So a super good place to be listed. If you are a software brain, then let's go to something else like this one. So our top 30 38 topics for real estate agents Another one software for real estate agents, another super cool article to be listed on.

Victor Giurgiu:

As, as SOFA brain and we have 112 of these you can always refresh your database to get new leads and all that you have to do to refresh is just come here, select the type that you're looking for, select the platform so let's say, I'm looking for content creators on YouTube and then you click on refresh, you give some feedback and you'll get a new set of leads. You can get contacts from the leads and I just clicked on get contacts for housingcom. Let me see if I get these and you should have. Yeah, so it loaded contact for for people working at this publication. You have their email, you have their LinkedIn, so, head of search engine, you have email right here and you have LinkedIn if you want to contact him through LinkedIn or Twitter. So not only one contact channel that's awesome.

Dustin Howes:

And then, lastly, that you can super helpful for your managers to see which one of those contacts reach out to, and I'm glad you have a list of them and oh and always a hot tip like go to their LinkedIn profile and become friends with them at the same time you reach out on email.

Victor Giurgiu:

It's going to help your response rates there for sure, and you can recruit partners directly from fstare. So you have your way to connect your mailbox. You have a way to reach out to these partners directly from fstash. You have your, your, your normal inbox format. So email list subject and email body. Plus fstash helps you with an AI generated template library. So let's say you want to target a content creator partner or, like, let's say, a blog writer, so a publisher. You select the writing style, so I want to do a friendly style okay as you can see here, you have some some other ones to play with.

Victor Giurgiu:

So, elon Musk, steve Jobs, feel free to to play with it if you decide to use fstash under 100 words. And what the cool thing about it is that it will generate the template based on your company data. As you can see, it already did and it grabs my company name already. So, sofa brain. We specialize in providing AI powered tools for interior design, and it gives a quick explanation what why this would be a good partnership. You can just copy this. You obviously want to do your, your customization, your personalization of the email. It always helps with conversion rates and I certainly know that Dustin also agrees with with this. From the perspective of an affiliate manager, it's the feedback that we got from our customers as well, so make sure to do your personalization absolutely and question if you have any questions, drop them in the chat.

Dustin Howes:

For myself here one question on the on the publishers that you're listing with each one of those searches. Is this from a database that you have, or are you scraping the internet in some kind of sense every time? So?

Victor Giurgiu:

we have, first of all, we it's a mix of both so we have a database of of manual leads that people from fstash collected and so on, and then we also are connected to through apis and through scrapers, to specific platforms and networks. So, as you can see here, you can find content creators on youtube linked in twitter and so on. So we are connected through scraping apis and so on. So, yeah, it's a mix of both. We have a database with already loaded publishers that that we created. There's also the scraping factor, um, as well, that you, that you mentioned okay, gotcha.

Dustin Howes:

Um, well, that's great. Uh, love that it connects to your email as well. It makes outreach so much easier and it allows you to, you know, not just bulk email. Of course, you want to do a little bit of catering to each message, but it makes it so much easier to go within the profile. So, uh, last thing, um, before we get done with this demo, like what's the same cost? Tell people yeah.

Victor Giurgiu:

So, uh, if you guys come to the pricing section, you can see that we have multiple packages. So if you go with the annual plan, which is obviously the better deal if you want to use fstash, uh for a longer period of time, you get 37 per month with a premium plan, which is, uh, mostly recommended for affiliate managers that are working like individually or that are doing freelance sync. So if you're an individual manager, you certainly would want to go with this plan. And then the enterprise plan gets you five slots and gets you way more partner leads per month, and this comes in at 128 plus per month.

Victor Giurgiu:

If you go with the annual, if you switch to monthly, it's 47 per for individuals and 257 for enterprise. And what enterprise offers you is it offers you five accounts so you can have people from your team working with you on fstash, and it also gets you the possibility to recruit partners for multiple affiliate programs. So in the individual plan you only get one, so you can only recruit partners for one company profile. If you go with enterprise, um, you get multiple. So if you have an agency, if you're working with multiple brands, if you have an affiliate recruitment agency where you work with multiple clients, you would probably want to go with an enterprise plan.

Dustin Howes:

Um, by the way, this is the the pricing currently that is a smoking good deal for 450 contacts for less than 50 dollars a month is incredible. I think your pricing is too low, but I won't tell you that, uh, but we're still testing the market.

Victor Giurgiu:

We're pretty new. I can't promise you guys that, uh, if you watch this recording in like a few months, I can't promise you guys that the pricing will be the same. But I certainly agree that that we're a bit underpriced, especially at how expensive things are in this industry absolutely well, you can't beat that price.

Dustin Howes:

Go to dustinowsecom, slash aphi stash and go try it out yourself. It's real simple for 50 a month, you can't go wrong. So, uh, well, appreciate the demo there, bud. Uh, that is, that is a great tool that you got there. Um, what do you think are some of like these life lessons that you've learned in your, your short career for for those young entrepreneurs out there, what any lessons or tips that you can go through of of what your term oils have been up to this point?

Victor Giurgiu:

yeah, really, really. Um. Well, to be completely fair, I think the the most important one that we already discussed in the podcast is validate your idea before building it. I think Everyone should consider that. But there are plenty of other tips and lessons that I can share. For example, I really resonate with the Saying your network is your net worth.

Victor Giurgiu:

So you certainly want to surround with the biggest people, the most influential ones in your niche. They will be really crucial when you want to Extend to new markets, to new industries, with your product or with your business. Obviously, referrals from them can mean a lot, and so on. Not only that, but also the fact that if you have the right connections, you always have someone to ask and to maybe consult with when you want to make a business decision. So I have my, my two or three mentors that I certainly always speak to before jumping in a new venture or having an important Business decision, and these are SAS founders With like hundreds of thousands of dollars in MRR with seven figure exits in their portfolio. And if you're a young founder or a young entrepreneur, you will have a way better chance at connecting with these people, because you'll find you'll maybe find it really surprising. But lots of these people really resonate with young people, because, if you're talking from an entrepreneurship perspective, most of the entrepreneurs that you will connect probably also started young. They probably also see Theirselves in you. So certainly make make a good circle of people.

Victor Giurgiu:

And then the third one is Probably work on on what you enjoy. So pick a niche that that you like, a niche that you're passionate about, because that will definitely keep you motivated motivated with Even during the the tougher times when earning a business, because it's not all smooth right now angry customers, you have lots of demos and meetings, and I cannot stretch it enough. But you have to pick a niche that you or an industry that you enjoy. So, for example, I'm really passionate about AI and automation. I'm basically Nerding about it a lot with with everyone that I speak to. So it just made sense for me to build an automation tool, because I'm always passionate about like, oh, what can I automate with this? How can I help these people? How can I help these people with automating their work, with eliminating manual work and so on? So since I started the agency, that has been my passion and it transitioned into my Founder life as well.

Victor Giurgiu:

So, yeah, three tips, slash lessons, validate your products at talk to people. I I always recommend this, this process. So basically, what I do for all of the products or businesses that I'm creating is I like to create a mock-up or a Really low-level demo, even some something in in Canva or figma, if you don't have to be a pro designer or developer. Just like a quick deck that you can show to people. You Write to people in your, in your industry. You ask them for for five to ten minutes of To jump with you on a quick call. You show them this deck and you'll be surprised that lots of people want to help you when you're in the early stage, because I Would want to do the same. Obviously, you can make an impact in someone's journey, so I'm sure that if you reach the right people, you will certainly be able to get like up to 10 20 opinions on your product.

Victor Giurgiu:

You don't have to ask them to pay in the beginning. You can just tell them like oh, this is perfect, you'll have a free account when we develop this. Thanks a lot for the feedback, and they will certainly Enjoy the interaction with you if you make sure to follow these quick steps that I just described.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah, that is a great tips in there.

Dustin Howes:

Somebody comes to mind Wade Tonkin's is always out there available to help and give feedback, and I just love his attitude and I try to emulate in everything I do in the affiliate world as well, and which reminds me I need to give you more feedback on this product Because I'm gonna dig in more. I haven't had the time and I've been using a few others lately, but I'm gonna make time for you here. I appreciate what you're doing, so Great tips. Tell us what the future holds, what's in, what's in the affiliate future here.

Victor Giurgiu:

Yeah, um, great question. I think always people are like it's good to try to Know the trends before they start to catch the wave, and so on. So I definitely think that in the affiliate world they there will be a ton of Automation and AI, and this is why I'm also building F is dash. Recruitment is one of the many steps that you have to to look where when you're building a successful affiliate program and the successful partnership program and I know that you that's you have a really cool clip on your channel where you're basically breaking down All of those steps and I just watched it recently. But, as you guys know, recruitment is only one part. But what? What about onboarding? You can have AI Generate the content, the tools and everything for your partners, speaking with them, having conversations with them to make sure that they're properly onboarded. So a lot of pain and a lot of manual work taken off the shoulders of the affiliate managers for sure, and I just named two, two aspects that I think can be improved a lot with automation and AI.

Victor Giurgiu:

So those are recruitment and onboarding. But what about commission optimization? Oh, data analysis like I can go on with this for for hours and hours. I Think AI and automation is certainly the future of affiliate management and, from the other perspective, if we're talking like affiliate marketing, the content side side as well like people can create a lot more affiliate content with AI, whether it's video content of, whether it's stuff like Needs, blogs and so on. So there will certainly be be Arrays of AI tools, ai software, ai produced content in the in the industry great, great points and Totally agree with you.

Dustin Howes:

There's there. We're just scraping the surface from both the affiliate standpoint and the affiliate manager standpoint is going to get really inundated with this possibilities to To optimize your program and not have to like. One of the biggest hurdles I face, well, when I'm working within a company is like trying to get Somebody on the marketing team to build new banners for us, right?

Victor Giurgiu:

Oh, yeah, see.

Victor Giurgiu:

AI can instantly get this done Like that shouldn't even take an hour for you get to like all the sizes that you want, just ask it and then you can come back for fresh stuff every month like very, very of course, and you can even take it a step forward, like you can have an, like a real-time interaction with the affiliate or partner that you're onboarding, where the partner will say, oh, I want the color change, I wanted to fit with my website, and so on. So you just throw a business idea out there. For anyone that sees this, maybe you go ahead and build that. Endless possibilities, I think, in terms of AI automation. Endless possibilities, especially in the niche right now. You mentioned Wade. I know he also told me that they've been looking at AI solutions for the past two years. That's pretty crazy. That just shows that it's certainly here to stay.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah, wade knows what he's doing. Wade's always ahead of the time because he's listening and he's always helping. People want to help him as well. All right time for you to defend your post. I've got a helping software company. Finding recruit affiliate partners is more important than sleep. I see you doing a little research over there on Grovia. I see you call me. Oh, I'd say it. Tell me, are you not sleeping? Is this your gig? Is this how you're saying so productive right now?

Victor Giurgiu:

Well, that night I certainly didn't sleep as much as I should have, because I can actually give you a bit of context. I think I was redesigning the landing page with my partner and I was looking at the Grovia landing page. I was like, okay, what are these guys putting out? What would managers like to see on a landing page? I was doing a little bit of research there let's say spying on them, if you want to call it like that adjusting the landing page. Since I have school during the day and this was back when I was in 10th grade six months ago, I think it was close to the end of the semester I had some exams during the day and some lessons and some courses to take care of. It seems like the night was the only time where I could have a quick look at the Grovia website and a quick look at our landing page and see how to improve it. I think now it's much better our landing page to be completely fair with you.

Dustin Howes:

I love the looks of it. The site itself is clean. The UI within the tool is clean. You're doing some really great work here, man. I really appreciate what you've accomplished this far. Tell everybody what's the best way to connect with you.

Victor Giurgiu:

Yeah, you guys can find me on LinkedIn. I'm posting a lot. I'm sharing demos of AFI Stash as well. If you want to see more demos for B2B, saas, for AISS companies, for e-commerce companies, go on my LinkedIn profile. You can just type VictorJerju. I think you'll be able to see my name on the screen on my LinkedIn tag. Also, I'm pretty active on Twitter as well. You can find me there at VicJerju as well. You can just type VicJerju and you should be able to see. I have all of my past work, other projects that I'm involved and so on listed there Demos weekly. I try to upload new demos of specific companies weekly If you want to have a one-on-one chat with me.

Victor Giurgiu:

I love to do personalized demos for managers. If you go on Dustin's link referring to AFI Stash, you can book a live demo with me or someone from my team and we'll prepare a special tailored demo for your company. You'll have leads partner leads loaded for your company already in the demo. Guys, make sure to to follow my website.

Dustin Howes:

He's easy to get a hold of folks. Go to the LinkedIn and he's all over the place. He was very responsive with me. My lesson of the day takeaway is never judge a book by its cover. Your first message to me on LinkedIn was hey, I'm this member, I do. Of course, it's like fresh impressions are always a savior to me and I'm always going to remember that. But you said, hey, I'm just a kid trying to get by and I've got this cool tool. I think you should check it out. I didn't think much of it. He instantly told me he was 17 years old. I'm like what do you know about affiliate? Turns out you have used the power of AI to expedite your potential and your education in an incredible fashion and really impressive. Never judge a book by its cover. Essentially Good work there, bud.

Dustin Howes:

Thursday Michael McLearney is going to stop by. I'm going to have to take this Will Clark jersey down for his Cubs fandom. Join us as we have a conversation about big publications in the affiliate world and the great work over at Martech Record that they are doing over there. If you would like to check out my personal affiliate program checklist, hit this QR code or go to DustinHowescom. Slash checklist and until next time. This is Dustin Howes signing off. Keep on recruiting out there and we'll see you out there.

Victor Giurgiu:

Have a good one.

Dustin Howes:

See you, Vic.

Affiliate Nerd Out With Vic George
Introduction to AFIS-DASH Platform
Embracing AI in Affiliate Marketing