Affiliate Nerd Out

Producing SEO content faster than ever with AI with Ayush Jasuja

Dustin Howes Season 1 Episode 70

Discover the transformative power of AI in SEO marketing with our special guest Ayush Jasuja, the co-founder of Speedy brand. Bringing his AI engineering expertise to the forefront, Ayush unveils how custom AI models can significantly amplify a brand's tone and content strategy—vital for businesses eager to excel in the digital realm. We'll also track the company's agile pivot during the pandemic from payroll management to the creation of state-of-the-art marketing tools, a move that's bolstering digital growth for enterprises across the board. For the small business owners out there, Ayush's insights on embracing technology will shine a light on mastering online marketing.

Ever wondered how AI could inject your brand's unique flare into visuals? This episode peels back the curtain on AI content generation, with my own experiences adding to the mix. We talk benefits, like marketing task automation, and tackle the challenges, addressing concerns about misinformation and the ever-spicy content ownership debates. Strategic use of AI requires a balance—combining technological prowess with a human touch to keep your brand's identity intact and shining. Get ready for a vault of valuable tips to navigate these waters like a pro.

We round off with a candid discussion about the crucial role content plays in the world of affiliate programs. Discussion into how Speedy and other tools can craft optimized content that affiliates can tailor to their needs, I share effective strategies for boosting your offering. We also touch on leveraging platforms like Product Hunt to amp up your product's visibility and foster community engagement. And, for a taste of what's to come, get excited for our next episode featuring Andy Cloyd from Super Filly, where we'll dissect the secrets behind powerful affiliate landing pages and super affiliate strategies. Join us for an episode packed with actionable insights that could be your ticket to marketing success.

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Dustin Howes:

Hey folks, welcome to Affiliate Nerd out. I'm your nerderator, Dustin House spread that good word about affiliate marketing. You're gonna find me here every Tuesday and Thursday at 12 15 Pacific time on LinkedIn and YouTube live, so please put it on the calendar and stop by for my guest of the day and today. That is I use. She is co-founder of speedy brand. Welcome to the nerdy, toria Myoosh.

Ayush Jasuja:

Thank you, justin. Thanks for having me here.

Dustin Howes:

You got it Well. You were a last-minute sub in for your other co-founder, who I am friends with out there, so yeah, that's a little bit of a is he is, everything okay with him.

Ayush Jasuja:

He's doing great. I mean, we have like calls lined up all day For some part of our like product demo sales teams and all that. So justin got you has previously talked to and he was like anyone interested. I'm like, yeah, I would love to talk to Justin. Let's go awesome, yeah.

Dustin Howes:

Well, I've heard you've taken a listen to some of my past episodes. I appreciate you being a listener and a supporter and, for those of you that want to be in this seat, come on and be my guest. Go to Dustin house, comm slash nerd and tell me what you want to know about. We are gonna be doing some live Q&A with an AI expert super techie but he is going to show us the cool things that they are doing over at speedy brand. So any questions you have for me or him about affiliate or AI, drop them in that chat. Our question of the day what AI tools are you using for your workflow? So let me know in that chat and without further ado. It is not a bad question. Well, we'll see how you take that in Without further ado. I just who are you?

Ayush Jasuja:

Okay, yeah, that's a good question. So I am Essentially one of the co-founders at speedy brand. Speedy brand is helping the small businesses and enterprise to SEO marketing, so one of our specials. So a little bit about me. I previously worked in companies like Microsoft next door, and I've been like a AI engineer there, then like feed personalization, feed ranking. So yeah, I mean all in all, One of one of the AI members for a members in the speedy what speed is?

Ayush Jasuja:

we are helping SMD, like I said, to a content marketing. So our specialization is Building custom AI models for each business that understand the brand tone of your business. So say, if you're a Shopify store selling, selling like books, let's say there's a specific kind of books, you have a specific tone, a genre you want to learn about. So a generic AI model like to add GPT with our data. So we basically take those, fine-tune those models on your data it can be public source data and also private and and we and make it understand your product, your brand to your target audience, everything and then we compile a broader SEO strategy that you can execute on in multiple ways in the I don't have said a lot there, so I'm happy to elaborate as you go well.

Dustin Howes:

I mean, you answer a question that I didn't even ask yet, and so let's just slow it down. I use Questions around here. I just want to know who you are like. Your background is in tech, it's in AI, it's in content, it's an SEO. You have a very diverse background, which is amazing.

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, I mean so, my brother. I'm an engineer by professional, like masters and UC San Diego, in artificial intelligence, and before that I was working in Microsoft in the Azure team, right? So that's, that's my Both by learning and both that profession. I'm an engineer and I've been in this space for almost a decade at this point and yeah, I've worked in like multiple places. I was previously in India Working in that I just want to protect hugs in there and then I moved to tell Francisco after my masters In last seven years?

Dustin Howes:

Okay, awesome, and tell me about your guys's brand name origin story. What, how did you brand come up?

Ayush Jasuja:

That's a good one. So we we were basically in 2020 during COVID. We made a platform called Nathan where we were helping small businesses To the employee payroll management, and this was primarily in Southeast Asia, because we realized that Companies are pretty adaptive with tech in the States, but there's a lot of like tech adoption going on in India. So we said, like for businesses, they can enroll their employees in this platform and they can manage their payroll. So we did that. We serve like 30,000 small businesses but, as you know, like you would improve with the businesses that struggle.

Ayush Jasuja:

So they were a bit hesitant to pay for that platform and we started talking to them on like what do you? How can we help you grow better? We realized, like digital adoption for first-time businesses is pretty challenging, and Especially like putting themselves out there marketing themselves and platform like Facebook, instagram, like they don't know how to the cool with the best foot forward in those platforms. So we realized they are more than willing to pay anyone if you help them grow their business and they want to see like a quick turn around of their brand Right. So that's where the idea of speedy brand comes in. You can leverage AI to build your brand quickly in all these platforms, put your best foot forward. As far as marketing goes, and also like we double down on doing 2021, we were doing blockchain Justin must have talked to you about this like lockdown was one of our platforms, and there we were also leveraging AI for marketing for ourselves.

Ayush Jasuja:

So it's a little bit of personal inspiration and also the customer feedback that we got from these ventures that led to this name. So it's an excellent idea.

Dustin Howes:

Awesome. So tell me about what you guys are doing and who you're serving out there with this speedy brand.

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, we are, like I said, a custom AI model machine. So you onboard with us. We are doing AI powered SEO marketing for your business. So you are a Shopify store, you come to speedy. We build a custom AI model for you that helps you write an SEO strategy. Then it helps you execute on that with blogs and social media content, with images, and also we do competitor research. So if you tell us your competitors, then we can figure out what strategy is working for them and you can also leverage that in the platform.

Ayush Jasuja:

We also monitor what's trending in your industry. So, for example, if you are a coffee shop and you learn about, hey, today's Seth Rogen coffee shop is trending, then you would probably want to write about this because your customers care about it. So we monitor those trending topics for you. So all of that is encompassing this SEO strategy for your business, which is hyper customized, hyper personalized for your brand, for your target audience and that's what's speedy for you.

Dustin Howes:

Okay, awesome, and I would love to just give a quick demo of my favorite feature of your guys. So I've been utilizing your guys's product for creating content and like helping my workflow and like your image generation on this tool is so much fun. It is the best on the market mid journey as an outstanding product or the standalone, but from my experience using probably a dozen different AI generated tools to create images, I love yours the best outside of that. So like I can write whatever random thoughts come to my head and put it into my blog post, and so I just wrote out a CEO overlord shooting lightning rods out of their hands on a volcano at. Citizens are civilians and I'm going to push, generate and see what happens. I'll come back to it when it when it comes up, but I just absolutely love that feature that you guys have. I've been, I've been utilizing it for thumbnails on my LinkedIn articles and just just having a lot of fun with it. It's really eye catching.

Ayush Jasuja:

It's. I mean it's it's amazing to see how folks use it and like how they prompt the AI engine. When we this is a fun fact like when we build that AI engine for your business, we actually understand your brand's colors in as well, so we try to put that in the image as much as possible. That's kind of subtle, but he felt like it kind of adds a personal touch to the model.

Dustin Howes:

And it is very apparent here, like as here's my results Love what I've got going on here with my CEO, overlord and beautiful picture. And if I just tweak a little bit like not shooting lightning rods and steadies shooting, you know what? If I just write thunderbolts instead and regenerate, it's going to give me something completely new which I absolutely love. We'll come back to it when it creates but it only takes like a minute, maybe most of the time really quick, like coming up with those images which I absolutely love this is.

Ayush Jasuja:

This is one of the hot features, because I think businesses care about those copyright images as well. You know, like they don't want to use like custom stock images and then figure out like how to tag and stuff like that. They want their own proprietary images. And it's just fun, like you said, like getting this out in a minute, less than a minute. It's just amazing that people love it and, yeah, I think it's one of the hot features.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah, and here's my new version. They changed the flow from the angle and just super cool. Love that feature. Go try it out with yourself with the free trial out there. Tell me about your guys's process, how the problems you guys are solving. I would love to hear what you guys are trying to solve out there.

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, I mean. So one thing we are going for is effectiveness in marketing. So marketing has been like it's a little. It's a long workflow, like as a small business owner, you only have like limited bandwidth to context, switch across different tasks. Like you have to serve your customers, you have to collect their feedback and figure out what should you promote about the brand outside.

Ayush Jasuja:

So what, at the end of the day, is PD is trying to do is making your life as a business owner a little easier, right, especially if you don't have a big ass marketing team out there and you need that support. And that's where AI in the last one year has really shine. So it's like helping you get those work, work those at least 60, 70, 80% done and then, with the final touches you can, you can think about like being the editor. So even if you are a marketing person say, if you have a business and you have this one marketing person who's awesome at doing what they are doing, they can do so much more if you take out the tedious work of writing everything in the thing, right, and you can become instead of become a writer, you can become a content editor with PD. So it's that's what we are going for essentially making your life a little easier, and how we do it is a separate question. I think we can talk about that as well.

Dustin Howes:

Oh, absolutely, and we'll get into that a little bit more. But let's go over the pros and cons of why using an AI tool is beneficial to companies and I've got some cons in my back pocket. I'm not going to give you the hard stuff. Give me the pros and cons that come to your mind.

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, absolutely. I think, like I said, the one thing is like you can get those initial few drafts out of your content, especially in this space, or even if you're doing anything else like just getting those out in marketing is solid. But one thing that I love using AI constitutes for is like also brainstorming, right? Just like how you were getting those prompts out, figuring out like, oh, if this image is going to look good or not, it's sort of like a brainstorm, but even on the research front, like figuring out oh, what's, what is?

Ayush Jasuja:

I have this keyword in mind. What are the topics that I can write about? Give that out to my business and I have this website from my competitor. How can I figure out, like what's working for them and what could be like the initial cost? So I think the barrier to moving on to the next step in almost any workflow has reduced because of AI, because you don't have to worry much about like what to write. Maybe percent of stuff is done by AI pretty much.

Dustin Howes:

Okay, awesome. And I think one of the biggest cons and scariest parts about this about using AI generated content could be like the concept that you might not own that content. So AI generated like, in your opinion, does AI own my content that I'm using your tool with?

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, I mean so I think, the previous. Getting back to the previous point, what you were saying, I think it's more about hallucination, right? So one of the cons that you might say about using AI is that it hallucinates. It's like wrong information at times. But things like that also happen with content writers, right, they might have a wrong perception of the business at times.

Ayush Jasuja:

It might not be that widely off, but that's why there is a role of content editor that sits on top right. We actually validate that what's written is fine, it's making sense and not so I would say it still grows in my mind at least outweigh the cons for using AI. But yeah, that's one thing definitely worth looking forward to, and that's why I believe there's a human AI augmentation. That's much more important than AI replacing the humans in their job, pretty much.

Dustin Howes:

That's a great point and so like what's a best practice that folks can use, because I don't want to just pile out piles of AI content that doesn't represent my voice or doesn't that writes content that may be wrong. I don't want to risk my brand doing that. It's a good way to evaluate a piece of content that your guys' tool uses and then tweak it. It's their best practice there.

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, I mean. So first thing I would say for just folks using AI tools is try to find tools that actually optimize the model for your business right, because ultimately, if you are using something which is trained across the whole internet, you are getting pieces of information that's not optimized for you, that might be inaccurate, that might be not your style. So look for products out there in AI that actually optimize or personalize the model for you right, using your internal datasets. But, yeah, I mean, and for the best practice I would say, still validate the content a little bit. Once that is done, right. Yeah, I mean, you have to make sure that the links that are getting there are right, because if you, let's say, have a blog where you have five links but three of them don't work because AI hallucinates, then you are at the risk of Google penalizing you because people might come to your website. They might not find relevant links. Google will think like, oh, this is not good blog because people are bouncing off it. Right, because it's invalid.

Dustin Howes:

What are some of those best practices, or even tools to validate that the content that you're creating is valid and unique?

Ayush Jasuja:

Valid and unique, unique. For uniqueness I mean once you, I think, optimize. There are a lot of tools out there in the internet that you can have like like check and stuff. I think Grammarly is not the famous one that does that, but I would be careful with how it validates because a lot of times it just does like if you have a string like, I think, xyz and that's a phrase that people use a lot of times because it gives itself like a bad score, thinks it's like far worse. But in general, I would say I think ultimately you need to have that. See, whatever you do, whatever tool you use, at the end of the day you would want someone, before it goes on your website, to look at it, have a quick glance at it, right? So nothing beats, I think, that final user touch.

Dustin Howes:

But you can only make sure that the AI is like 90, 95, 99% there.

Ayush Jasuja:

But you need that final validation to come from the human. At least that's my personal opinion.

Dustin Howes:

That's a good point, and I've used other tools playing around with this as a content creator and I think the most popular name out there in the market today is ChatGBT, and I think people fail miserably when they try to ask ChatGBT to write a piece of content and they're not going to get that valid and it's definitely not going to be unique in my opinion. But why does ChatGBT have such a stronghold on this market in your opinion?

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, I mean. So that's a great question. I think they have the first movers advantage. This is one of the companies opening AI like coming out with this model that surprisingly it's out, at least in the first time, very human-like content, right? No one was actually doing it at that scale and they had this advantage of starting first. Then I think it's also appealing as the first thing you want to try no-transcript because you can also play around with it for free. I think that's how it started.

Ayush Jasuja:

So then, if you are a marketer, if you are a real estate person, if you are working in any industry, reporting is something you do a lot. If you're doing research, you'll do that as well quite a bit. So chat GPT provides that initial framework where you can play around and see if this is a thing for you or not Is AI-generated content actually a thing for you, and if it works for you or not. And they do it in a very intuitive interface, the chat GPT, the chat interface. We can just ask a question to the AI models and I think that's one thing that they have done well. They have reduced the value of entry for anyone. You don't have to go through the AI also UI of any tool to understand how to play with it. Everyone chats. They come in. The interface itself validates it.

Dustin Howes:

So I think that's why they have.

Ayush Jasuja:

But the recent reports are otherwise saying opposite. I mean right now, compared to last year, chat GPT usage is 11 percent lower. The growth, at least, is 11 percent. People are slowly catching up. The market is getting competitive and people are exploring other tools as well. So yes, I mean they do have it, but I think it's slowly going to become stagnant.

Dustin Howes:

Okay, yeah, and that's natural progression, like whoever leads the market and gets there first is always going to absorb it early on. But there are so many AI products out there that are doing great work, and so, for those of you that are using chat GPT on the free version, there is also the $20 version. That makes you better at what you do, and you can use that for API access to build your own stuff as well. But what's a good practice of when to use chat GPT and when not to use it?

Ayush Jasuja:

I would probably reference this as when to be extra cautious versus when to trust it lightly. I think things like when you are doing, say, more analytical question where you have numbers right, I think chat GPT is still not there yet. So, say, if you give it like a 10 Q report on Uber and you have this PDF that you want it to scan, I think it's just struggle with those tasks because it won't figure out, like, how to read fine details in the PDF, especially as it gets long.

Ayush Jasuja:

So I would say for medium to short form content. Chat GPT does great. Even long form content you can figure it out by chaining different prompts. But at the end of the day, if it's like very mathematical, for example, you would have to be extra cautious to see that the numbers it's looking out are actually making sense or not. That's where I would say you should be careful using it and trusting it lightly.

Dustin Howes:

That's a great point and I like to adjust content and get content ideas, but I don't necessarily utilize it for making anything exact. The way I mean chat GPT is never even kind of come close to my voice, because I'm a goofy guy. Even if you try to adjust a script to being funny or something, I have not found a good voice of funny that I find is funny and I want to bring in the folks that are in tune with me and it sounds like my voice. I just haven't done it yet, but one of these days I think it'll get there.

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, we should take your transcripts and put it on speedy so that we can make a custom chat GPT just for your use case, and then you can Awesome.

Dustin Howes:

I didn't even know that was a thing I'd love to. That sounds awesome. All right, we're going to take a break here and get into our sponsor of the day and I just want to thank Gabriella over at Bright Valley Marketing. If you manage an affiliate site in 2024, you know it's harder than ever to rank in Google. That's because Google favors brands more than anything. Brands are trustworthy, brands are reliable and brands are talked about in the media.

Dustin Howes:

One of the best ways to build your brand this year is to invest in digital PR campaigns, a service that my friends over at Bright Valley Marketing offer to affiliate sites like yours. So with Bright Valley digital PR campaigns, you'll land high DR backlinks from USA's most renowned media outlets, such as CBS News, abc News and many more, and with an average of 20 to 30 links secured per campaign. Bright Valley is your trusted digital PR agency. Reach out to BrightValleyMarketingcom for more info or to kick off your first campaign. That link is going to be in the description of this nerd out session, so please go check them out and thank you so much for being a sponsor in there and moving forward. How do people use your tool and affiliate? I want to cater this message to the affiliate marketing world. How are you seeing affiliates? Use speedy brand right now.

Ayush Jasuja:

So I think our affiliate program is seeing a lot of success. I mean, when people do use it, they get like 30% of the overall revenue from the folks that come from the affiliate link. So in that regard I think it's a very good growth mechanism for any affiliate program. And I think affiliate programs are really good Generally, are using like. If they use PD to turn out content, then they are using it especially to talk about how they are good, how they are, how they are. Affiliate program and affiliate network is solid and getting the message out there, essentially just like any other marketing company. They that's where I think they're using it, but so far they're getting like great results with how they are spread the word.

Ayush Jasuja:

Okay, and if you, we are also like publishing case studies recently where people are seeing like how one percent improvement and impressions or a month right and things like that are happening. They're using it's really fancy a month.

Dustin Howes:

Gotcha and you guys have your own affiliate program, the chair run in and To promote those tools and I think, naturally, the folks that are using your tools there's probably a large majority of content sites that are out there that are affiliates of other products that are using yours, your product, and when they use your product now they become an evangelist. They have that firsthand experience, which makes content really great for the affiliates that you guys bring in the program. And what about? Um, oh, what were you gonna say there?

Ayush Jasuja:

No good, I mean, what is you? Pretty much something up my seat.

Dustin Howes:

Awesome, awesome and the affiliate. The way I preach Affiliate managers to use tools like yours to generate that kind of content for their affiliates is yeah, you're trying to make your life on the affiliates in your program as easy as possible and if I can create the contact In their voice, that's even better. Like and give them a nice optimized piece of content that they can Do very minimal edits to. Yep. That's an incredible value add for an affiliate manager to give those affiliates.

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, I mean, I think a lot of times when affiliates spread the word on a tool, they I think some of them are like bundling things up.

Ayush Jasuja:

Right, so say, speedy kind of fits well with any other tool out there Then, and if you're part of both of those, if you're basically an affiliate program, you have your sign up for the affiliate program for both of those tools Then speedy is able to become content that actually is creative and is bundling things based on the target audience. To say, if you are, say, if you with the promoting speedy and you you feel any other tool can combine with speedy, maybe it's like a sales tool that you are affiliate program, right, so there's like the sales company and there's speedy and people who are doing marketing. They probably are also interested in sales sometimes, right, so speeding and help you bundle the content such that you can promote to both the, you can sell both the sales tool and the marketing to this audience. And that's where I think the power of the I really shines out. Right, I mean, you don't have to think about what this target audience being precedent from the scratch, a lot of the Initial work would be done. That AI model, that's really.

Dustin Howes:

Awesome, awesome. If you would like to support this show, go to dustinowsecom slash speedy and go try this out yourself. This is a tool that can be used as affiliate and as an affiliate manager and, on top of that, affiliate managers that are trying to become affiliates themselves. This is a great way for you to be an affiliate of a product that you're utilizing, and these can suggest Two affiliates in your program and you can become an affiliate of this program, earn some side hustle cash out there and try to live that affiliate dream that way we all have out there. So go check out dustinowsecom slash speedy and get yourself a free trial. Try it out for yourself.

Dustin Howes:

All right, it is time for you to Defend your post now this is a secret segment that not a lot of people get, but I took something from your LinkedIn profile and now you've got to defend it, so you and dropping of both promoted this. We just launched on product hunt a power-packed version of speedy, the all-you-need SEO tool to rank higher on Google. Tell me why you guys are so big on what product hunt is doing to for exposure. Is this a secret tool that I just don't know about enough?

Ayush Jasuja:

So product hunt, I think it has a solid community. Okay, basically, I mean any product would want to find people who, then people who love the product. Right, I mean you want people who would spread the word. And I believe, like product hunting community is that I mean it can get you those champions initial champions of the product, who who would try the product out out of curiosity and if they love it, then they will also spread the word, and they have been lucky to do that as well. Like, so, anytime we have this every few months we have, like this big release coming out we try to go towards product hunt launch because it's a community where that's very dear and near to us. So we we try to leverage them, get their feedback and Some, and also like, get those champions from that community.

Dustin Howes:

Oh good, smart, smart and and you know for those affiliate managers out there that that go to sites like product hunt and see Um first off, you can see who your evangelists are and and you can turn them into affiliates of your every brand. And then you can go check out to see if there might be any negative reviews and you can take those folks and turn them um Into evangelists in a different kind of way, like the customer support can go and and check those folks out. But like the other portion of this is like you can go to your competitors on product hunt and see you as negative reviews, maybe go in and turn them into your evangelists of your product or offer them a free product To try to turn them towards your. So like there's a myriad of opportunity on product hunt. I just I haven't been in there enough, but I'm glad you guys are big promoters of it. That's cool.

Ayush Jasuja:

Yeah, I mean I definitely recommend checking it out every day. I think they have like very cool forms that come out, so it's just a good way to also stay in touch with the latest and the greatest products.

Dustin Howes:

Awesome, great. All right, as we wind down here. Uh, how do we connect with you?

Ayush Jasuja:

Um, yeah, I mean. So you any? You can just hit us up on speedy brand dot I o. Uh, there's a chat spot out there. You can also try us out as using a free trial, but you can also hit us up anywhere you find, like Be on instagram linkedin. We are present everywhere. Uh, just message us and one of our theme or you. You're probably here from one of our, either just in me or empty. We are always like watching who's messaging us and, yeah, I mean we love to chat, uh, about anything and everything about about AI, about marketing, and you're happy to have.

Dustin Howes:

Yeah, I always love hitting the chat up and seeing your guys's faces and getting replies back from you guys. Customer support's been great, um, awesome, uh, all right, so On thursday, you know guest it's going to be Andy cloyd from super filly. It join us for learn more about affiliate landing pages and other things that super affiliate does. Uh, which is going to be an exciting episode I use. Thanks for joining me and spreading the word about affiliate and what your guys's tool does.

Ayush Jasuja:

Thank you, dustin, I create chatting with you.

Dustin Howes:

Awesome. All right, folks, till next time. We'll see you out there later.

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